Wednesday 7 March 2012

Cinnamon Surprise

Morning barrecore Bikini Bootcampers!  

Here I have a delicious and fat burning trick to get you out of bed and out the door to those early Bikini Bootcamp classes.  Cinnamon!  That’s right, all you need are a couple dashes in your morning cup of organic coffee or tea to get your metabolism revved up, insulin sensitivity at it’s peak, and to keep inflammation and sugar cravings at bay for the rest of the day.
This super spice that adds a natural sweetness (so no sugar or fake sugars needed!) has been used medicinally for centuries as an anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial and blood sugar stabilizer.  
This incredible smelling bark can do many things for you as you sweat and burn at the barre but what I think is the biggest perk is that cinnamon slows the rate at which food leaves your stomach after meals, reducing the speed at which blood sugar levels rise.  The compounds in cinnamon not only stimulate insulin receptors but significantly increase cells uptake of glucose.  Why is this important? Well, just a couple dashes will keep your energy levels steady throughout the day and keep belly and back fat from forming and increase fat loss.  Cinnamon can also help those with Type 2 Diabetes or any other insulin resistance issue (i.e., PCOS, Hypoglycemia) respond to insulin and may even improve symptoms. Psst.....Even having a small amount of cinnamon on a high carb treat can dramatically lessen the ill effects on blood sugar levels.  Isn’t that sweet?!

Other wonderful aspects of adding cinnamon to your daily diet:

  • It’s high in calcium and fiber which are excellent for overall gut health
  • It’s high in manganese which is great for thyroid function, strong bones, nerve health and protects from oxidative stress (aging)
  • It’s an anti-fungal which keep yeast infections at bay
  • The scent alone improves brain activity!

Try it out and let me know what you think.  I get so excited to make my morning coffee a healthy start to my day.  Now that’s getting off on the right foot.....and into barrecore socks of course!

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